Center for the Study of the Civil War Era

Welcome to the Center for the Study of the Civil War Era at Kennesaw State University! We provide quality programming that reflects academic inquiry and a greater understanding of the causes, nature, and effects of the most impactful war in U.S. history. So much of what we continue to grapple with today can be traced to the events leading up to and emanating from the conflict of 1861-65. The Civil War Center also leads tours of historic sites and provides the historic underpinnings for the Kennesaw Mountain Staff Ride for Leadership Teams program. We hope that you enjoy all our website as to offer.

For 2024:  Two signature events are the 21st Annual Symposium on March 16 with esteemed author and historian Steven Woodworth as the featured speaker and the Collector's Showcase on June 15.  Both are at the KSU Center and free and open to the public with no registration required.  We hope you will plan to attend.  See you there!!



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